Information for Conference organizers

If we have agreed to publish your conference proceedings, please ensure that you carefully follow the volume editor guidelines to guarantee a smooth and timely publication process. It is essential that no misleading or false information is included in your conference materials.

If you are interested in submitting a proposal for the publication of your conference proceedings, please review the Conference Proceedings Publication Process carefully. Before submitting the proposal form, ensure you meet the following criteria:

  • The conference or symposium must be organized by an academic institution, research organization, or industry with an established research wing. We do not collaborate with conferences hosted by commercial bodies without involvement from academic or research societies.
  • The conference announcement should already be available on the organizer's official website.
  • You must be a part of the conference organizing committee and have access to the conference’s official email address, or use an institutional email address.
  • Your conference should use a peer-review process to select articles based on the merit of the work.
  • The conference website and promotional materials should not contain misleading or false information.

Before submitting your proposal, please ensure you have reviewed the following information:

  • Proceedings Publication Process
  • Appointing Volume Editors of Proceedings
  • Publishing Fees for Proceedings
  • Proceedings Publishing Terms
  • FAQ for Conference Organizers
  • Copyright Information

Note: After reviewing all necessary information, you may submit a proposal for proceedings publication. Please note that you are not authorized to use our name or logo on any conference materials until an agreement has been made and the initial payment has been processed.

Eduresearch Publications Open Conference Proceedings Visibility

Published proceedings will be indexed and accessible through platforms including:

  • Google Scholar
  • CrossRef
  • Scilit
  • CORE (UK)
  • OUCI
  • Dimensions
  • BASE
  • OpenAIRE
  • Semantic Scholar

Proceedings Publication Process
Here is a summarized overview of the steps involved in publishing your conference proceedings:

  1. Explore Basic Information
    • Learn about what qualifies as conference proceedings and where we publish them.
  2. Review Our Basic Requirements
    • We publish proceedings only from conferences organized by learned societies.
  3. Who Can Publish and What Can Be Published
    • Are you the conference organizer? Review the necessary information for organizers and explore the frequently asked questions. [Read more]
  4. Submit Conference Details
    • Complete the conference proceedings proposal form and submit it to us. If your proposal meets our criteria, we will provide a quote.
  5. Send Proceedings Proposal
    • Make Initial Payment
    • If you agree with the quote and wish to proceed, pay the initial amount by the due date.
  6. Update Your Conference Materials
    • Once the initial payment is made, you may update your conference materials with our name/logo as the proceedings publishing partner. It's time to appoint a volume editor.
  7. Use Our Name
    • After the agreement and initial payment, the volume editor can begin the next steps.
  8. Volume Editor’s Task
    • Compile Proceedings
    • The volume editor is responsible for collecting papers, ensuring their quality, and compiling them along with all necessary front matter. The final proceedings must be submitted to us in an editable Word file. [Read more]
  9. Pay Remaining Amount
    • After finalizing the total amount based on the quote, pay the remaining balance (Total amount - initial payment).


  1. Make Final Payment
    • Proofreading
    • Once copyediting is complete, we will send the final proceedings in PDF format for proofreading. Let us know if any minor adjustments are required and approve the document for final publication.
  2. Share Published Proceedings
    • Once approved, the proceedings will be officially published, and it’s time to share and download the final version.
  3. Proceedings Published
    • Congratulations! Your proceedings have been successfully published