Tasks of the Volume Editors

Volume editors are responsible for managing the review process and selecting papers for the conference proceedings. Additionally, they organize the papers, prepare front matter, and ensure that the entire proceedings are compiled and ready for final production. Below are the key tasks of volume editors:

  1. Instructing Authors on Guidelines
    Provide authors with the necessary guidelines and templates by including a link to the author’s page on the conference website. Ensure that all manuscripts follow consistent formatting, ideally in a single-column layout.
  2. Managing the Peer-Review Process
    Volume editors are tasked with selecting papers based on a peer-review process, ensuring that only high-quality contributions are included in the proceedings.
  3. Preparing Front Matter
    Volume editors are responsible for preparing the front matter, including the cover page, foreword, table of contents, and any other optional introductory sections. These elements should be organized and included in the proceedings.
  4. Submitting Manuscript Files to AIJR
    Once authors submit their final articles, it is the volume editor’s responsibility to send the complete proceedings to AIJR. Conference proceedings are treated as camera-ready copies, so editors should ensure that all files are ready for publication. Minor copyediting may occur, but the manuscripts must meet all formatting and content requirements before submission. Volume editors should ensure the following checklist:
  • All files are submitted in an editable Word format.
  • Files are consistently formatted (single-column layout preferred).
  • The font style and size are uniform throughout the manuscript.
  • The paper and margin sizes are correct.
  • The text is set to single line spacing and fully justified.
  • Headings follow the appropriate styles.
  • Articles include essential sections: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and References.
  • Figures, tables, and schemes are placed in the correct locations within the text (not gathered at the end of the document).

The final manuscript should be submitted via the designated email or submission system as instructed during the agreement. The following files should be included:

  • Cover page (front and back)
  • Title page (with all editor names and contact details)
  • Foreword and any optional introductory sections
  • Table of contents
  • Separate Word files for each article (zipped into a single file or organized as required)
  • Copyright statement (if the author is not the copyright holder)

Once the completed manuscript is submitted and meets all the guidelines, we will initiate our production processes.

What is the Foreword in Proceedings?
The foreword is an introductory section that provides an overview of the conference proceedings. It typically includes a discussion of the conference, its scope, and the contributors. It may also contain acknowledgments and thanks to those who supported the writing process. A foreword of 1-2 pages is usually sufficient.