About EARP Open Conference Proceedings

Eduresearch Publications Open Conference Proceedings is a globally recognized international series dedicated to the publication of conference proceedings by Eduschool Academic Research and Publishers. This extensive collection of research will mark a significant milestone as an internationally trusted publishing partner, relied upon by conference organizers around the world. All published proceedings will be archived in major proceedings databases, including CrossRef. Whether you are organizing a small seminar or a large international conference, you can depend on Eduresearch Publications Open Conference Proceedings as your reliable and cost-effective partner for proceedings publication.

Eduresearch Publications Open Conference Proceedings publishes full-length papers from a wide range of academic fields, specifically those presented at academic gatherings such as:

  • Full-length, peer-reviewed papers presented at conferences organized by learned societies.
  • Full-length papers from workshops hosted by academic or scientific institutions.
  • Full-length contributions to seminars or symposiums organized by universities or colleges.
  • Full-length, reviewed papers presented at academic congresses organized by scientific societies or academic institutions.
  • Full-length research articles from any professional meeting hosted by an academic or research organization.

Visibility of Proceedings Articles
All articles published in Eduresearch Publications Open Conference Proceedings will be indexed and visible on prominent platforms, including:

  • Google Scholar
  • CrossRef
  • Scilit
  • CORE (UK)
  • OUCI
  • Dimensions
  • BASE
  • OpenAIRE
  • Semantic Scholar

What Can Be Published in Eduresearch Publications Open Conference Proceedings?
AIJR Proceedings accepts full-length articles from national and international conferences, workshops, and other academic or research events. If you are an event organizer, please refer to the information available for organizers and follow the publication process to submit your proceedings.

What Identifiers Will Be Assigned to the Proceedings?
All published proceedings will be assigned an ISSN, ISBN, and DOI. In addition to a DOI for the entire proceedings, each individual article will be assigned a separate DOI for easy citation.

What is the ISSN of Eduresearch Publications Open Conference Proceedings?

How Can I Get a Quote for My Conference Proceedings?
To receive a quote for publishing your conference proceedings, simply complete the Proceedings Proposal Form. After reviewing the details of your conference, we will provide you with a response within 3-5 working days. For a detailed understanding, please read the information for organizers and the publishing process available in the menu.

In Which Journal Will the Proceedings Be Published?
Eduresearch Publications Open Conference Proceedings will be published as a separate monographic series under the title Eduresearch Publications Open Conference Proceedings. Although each volume is assigned an ISSN, ISBN, and DOI, please note that these proceedings are treated separately from journals and will not be included in any journal publications. For more information about publishing conference proceedings, please visit our dedicated conference proceedings page.

Can I Get Hard Copies of the Proceedings?
Hard copies of the proceedings are available on-demand (minimum order of 50 copies) at an additional printing cost. You can request a quote for printing when submitting your proposal.

Who to Contact?
If you do not receive a response within 5 working days, please email us at conference@aijr.org. Kindly use your official or institutional email address when reaching out.

How to Publish Only Abstracts of the Conference?
If you wish to publish only the abstracts of papers or posters presented at the conference, these will be included in a collection called the Abstract Book. This collection, which may include abstract and extended abstracts, can be published separately. For more details on publishing the abstract book with AIJR, please refer to the relevant page.