About the Conference Proceedings Series
About the Eduschool Academic Research and Publishers (EARP) Open Conference Proceedings
Eduschool Academic Research and Publishers (EARP) Open Conference Proceedings is an open-access series focused on publishing proceedings from a wide range of academic events, including conferences, workshops, and symposia.
If you are organizing an academic conference and would like to publish your proceedings volume in OCP, please reach out to Eduschool Academic Research and Publishers at publication@eduresearch.in
The conference issue features full-length articles presented at academic meetings or workshops. EARP OCP publishes conference issues in journals, ensuring articles are plagiarism-free and subjected to a rigorous peer-review process. Conference organizers are encouraged to submit proposals for publishing a conference issue.
Basic requirements to publish conference issue with us
- The conference must be organized by a recognized and reputable learned society.
- All content must be presented in English.
- Submitted articles must be original, free from plagiarism, and maintain a similarity index of less than 15%.
- Articles will be selected based on the quality and merit of the work through a rigorous peer-review process conducted by the conference's publication committee.
- Conference materials (e.g., website, leaflet) must avoid misleading information, clearly list all organizers, and include a link to the conference announcement on the organizing institution’s official website.
- A publishing fee of $50 (or ₹3500) per article applies to all our journals.
- Upon agreement to publish, the minimum advance payment must be made, and AIJR Publisher (or the selected journal name) must be prominently displayed as the publishing partner in all conference materials (e.g., website, leaflet, brochure, banner) using the name/logo linked to the homepage.
Conference Issue Publication Procedure
- Proposal Submission: Submit a proposal for the conference issue by clicking here. Ensure that the journal selection aligns with its aims and scope and is relevant to the conference theme.
- Publishing Fee: Upon agreement to publish, an initial non-refundable payment of $500 (or ₹35,000) is required, covering up to 10 articles. Additional articles will be charged at $50 (or ₹3,500) each.
- Guest Editor Approval: Provide an updated CV of the appointed Guest Editor(s) for final approval. The Guest Editor must not be affiliated with the editorial board of any questionable publication, as we will verify their credentials.
- Guest Editor Responsibilities: The Guest Editor will manage manuscript handling, oversee the review process, and communicate regarding the conference issue and associated articles. They must also write an editorial article summarizing the conference, offering perspectives, and introducing the conference issue.
- Reviewer Selection: Conference organizers and editors may choose their reviewers, who must be qualified experts in the field. All reviews must adhere to ethical standards, with reviewer details (name, affiliation, email) and comments (if any) submitted for each article.
- Manuscript Submission: The Guest Editor should submit all formatted articles in an editable Word file at once, following our guidelines. At least 12 weeks will be required for copyediting after receiving all conference issue materials.
- Reference Formatting: References must strictly adhere to the author guidelines of the chosen journal.
- Copyright and Licensing: Articles will be published as open access under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license, with the author retaining full copyright unless specified/transferred to an institution. EARP will be the first publisher. Click here for copyright details and here for licensing information.
- Quality Standards: EARP reserves the right to exclude any article that fails to meet quality standards or violates publication policies.