The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Enhancing Teaching Competency, and Student Engagement Among Pre-Service Teachers


  • Dr. Safa Tariq Habeeb Mohammed Hussain Garma Author



Emotional intelligence, Teaching competency, Student engagement, Pre-service teachers, Teacher education, Classroom management, Instructional strategies


This research examines how pre-service teacher’s emotional intelligence (EI) affects their ability to teach, and how it helps them engage their students. Emotional intelligence, which includes abilities like empathy, self-awareness, and interpersonal communication, is essential for good classroom management, and instruction. Using a mixed-methods approach, the study looks at how pre-service teachers with higher EI exhibit improved classroom interactions, instructional tactics, and adaptability, which improves student participation, and learning results. The importance of including emotional intelligence training in teacher education programs is highlighted by the findings, which will enhance student engagement, and teaching effectiveness, and eventually raise the standard of education. Policymakers, educators, and researchers can all benefit from this study's insightful recommendations for improving teacher preparation programs.


