LGBTQ Rights and Gender Equality: A Legal Analysis


  • Dr.PradipKumarDas Author



social and legal, (LGBTQ), Indian history, s.37, gender, Indian society, human rights, ancient Indian sociologic


LGBTQ Rights have changed in India its nature and expansion only during recent years. Compared to others who do not belong to the LGBTQ group, they has to face many societal and legal challenges to live ahead in the community. Society is very committed to accepting the judicial trends and opinions for protecting LGBTQ Rights in India. Ancient artifacts and beautifully written accounts of the LGBT group's accomplishments in Indian history may be found in books like the Kamasutra. Ancient Indian sociological perspectives on LGBT individuals were flexible and reasoned, in contrast to the modern world. Scholars contended that pre-colonial Indian culture did not see same-sex unions as sinful or bad, nor was it prohibited. The authors contend that the law's paternalistic approach, which denies the autonomy of self-government or self-direction, is its weakness. The concept of autonomy must be reinterpreted as a relative one in which a fair and caring society supports its citizens and fosters social circumstances that support individual choices and enable them to reach their greatest potential. After reviewing the extensively recorded history of LGBT persons in ancient Indian texts spanning all major faiths practiced in ancient, medieval, and contemporary India, the study analyses the roots of s. 377 in the colonial history of that country.


