Editorial Board

Editorial Pool

The editorial pool consists of eminent academicians who represent various focus areas of the journal. These personalities are from around the globe with expertise in their concerned areas.


Dr. Dakshina Saraswathy
Associate Professor
Kerala Law Academy
Thiruvanthapuram, Kerala, India.
Email:- dakshina.s@keralalawacademy.in


Professor  (Dr.) M.A.D.S.J.S. Niriella
Faculty of Law
Department of Public International Law
University of Colombo
Sri Lanka.
Email: jeeva@law.cmb.ac.lk

Dr. Zana Ra’uf Hama Kareem,
College of Law and Politics 
University of Human Development
Sulaimania, Iraq
Email: zana.rauf@uhd.edu.iq

Dr. Priyantha Liyanage 
Judge of the High Court - Sri Lanka 
Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Email: liyanage.priyantha@yahoo.com

Dr. Solomon Tagesse
Assistant Professor
College of Law and Governance
Hawasa University, Ethiopia
Email:anulosol@ymail.com, etote2016@gmail.com

Dr. Evi Dramalioti PDF
Secretary General for Coordination
Presidency of the Government of the Hellenic Republic
20 Amalias Av. & 5 Souri Str., 105 57, Athens, Greece
Email:gensecretary@gsco.gov.gr / edramalioti@gsco.gov.gr

Prof. (Dr.) Pradip Kumar Das,
Professor of Law
Department of Law and Governance
School of Law and Governance,
Central University of South Bihar,  Bihar, India
Email: pradip@cub.ac.in

Prof.(Dr.)Nandimath Omprakash Veerayya
Professor of Law
Faculty In Charge, Ness Wadia Foundation Chair
National Law School of India University 
Bengaluru, Karnataka,  India.
Email:- ovnandimath@nls.ac.in

Dr. A. Vijayalakshmi, M.L., Ph.D (Law),
Assistant Professor (SG)
Director, B.Com.LL.B (Hons) Degree Course,
Dept of Criminal Law and CJA,
School of Excellence in Law,
The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University,
Chennai, Tamilnadu,  India
Email:- vijayalakshmi@tndalu.ac.in

Dr. Sangeeta Taak
Assistant Professor of Law
Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Sidhuwal-Bhadson Road,
Punjab, India.
Email:- sangeetataak@rgnul.ac.in

Dr Binu Mole K
Assistant professor
School of Legal Studies
CUSAT, Kochi, Kerala, India.
Email:- drbinumolek@cusat.ac.in

Dr Sudatta Barik
Assistat Professor in Law
National Law University Odisha,
Odisha, India.

Adv. (Dr.) Pauly Mathew Muricken
Adjunct Professor, The National University of Advanced Legal Studies, Kochi, Kerala, India
Member of the Board of Studies in Law (UG), Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi.
Member of the Guest Faculty at School of Legal Studies, Cochin University of Science & Technology.
Advocate practicing in the High Court of Kerala.
Email:- paulymurickens@gmail.com


Dr.Malavika J
Assistant Professor
Kerala Law College
Kerala University
Kerala, India.
Email: malujayan@gmail.com