Data Protection Policy Regulations in India


  • Dr.A.VijayalakshmiM.L Author



Indian Constitution States, Supreme Court of India, Article 21, Right to Privacy, Property and Data, Public and Private Sector, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Data Protection Laws, Personal Liberty


Indian Constitution under Article 21 ensures that "no one shall be denied his life or freedom of movement except under a process established using law." The goal of this basic right is to defend against infractions on individual freedom or taking one's life provided it is important to carry out a process imposed by law. The Supreme Court in India has interpreted and included the "protection of the right to privacy, properties & data" under "personal liberty," even though it is not specifically mentioned in the article. The Indian government has formulated many policy guidelines, laws, and regulations in the recent years for data protection and privacy. This paper aims to investigate the topics of data analysis and the right to privacy in the digital era. This study examines privacy concerns by examining circumstances in which user-provided data may be abused or, in certain cases, utilized against the individual who submitted it. The usefulness of the IT Act and other current privacy-related laws, and the extent to which they include data protection rules, are also examined in this research. The implementation of regulations in one of these sectors is going to be examined and contrasted since both private and public sectors collect data in an equal manner. Recently, experts led by former Supreme Court of India Judge B.N. Srikrishna were appointed by the Ministry of Information Technology and Electronics to write a law protecting data protection and privacy of Individuals. 


