Land Acquisition Laws and Farmers Protest in India


  • Shajan Chakkiath Author



Land Acquisition, Food Insecurity, Land Acquisition Act 1894, Regulatory, Land Transactions, Farming, Non-Farming Groups, Resettlement, Livelihood Challenge, Shifting Occupation


The concerns with forced acquisition of land and the financial and governmental barriers that prevent voluntary land transfers are the two main topics of this essay. The Land Acquisitions Act of 1894 was completely revised in 2013 to address a number of issues, including the need for landowners' prior consent before private businesses or public partnerships could acquire land, the need for social impact assessments for any and all land acquiring initiatives, and limitations on the purchase of irrigated agricultural land to address some of the issues raised by those impacted by land acquisition. We contend that reform is long required and that the existing structure is untenable in India, a democracy. The takings procedure and regulatory restrictions are major causes of the extreme distortion of land prices that exist today. The most significant barrier to development, particularly in the area of infrastructural development, is land acquisition. The effects of land acquisition on farming and non-farming populations in western Uttar Pradesh are covered in this research. Numerous effects on both farming and non-farming communities have resulted from the land acquisition. Instances of such problems pertaining to land acquisition have occurred throughout India. Following the loss of land, a few enduring problems were Food insecurity, relocation, challenges to one's livelihood, changing occupations, and displacement


