Editorial Board

Editorial Pool

The editorial pool consists of eminent academicians who represent various focus areas of the journal. These personalities are from around the globe with expertise in their concerned areas.



Prof. (Dr.) Alaa Salih Ati
College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences,
University of Baghdad,
Baghdad, Iraq.
Email: alaa.salih@coagri.uobaghdad.edu.iq

Dr. Vishnu Narayan Mishra
Professor & HOD of Mathematics
Indira Gandhi National Tribal University,
Lalpur, Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh, India
Email: vnm@igntu.ac.in

Dr. Muzibur Rahman Mozumder
Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Aligarh-202002 (Uttar Pradesh), India

Dr. Praveen Kumar Tripathi
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Banasthali Vidyapith
Banasthali, Rajasthan, India.
Email: pkt2088@gmail.com

Dr. Rameshwar Mishra
Associate Professor of History
School of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Sanjeev Agrawal Global Educational University, Bhopal, India.
Email: rameshwar.s@sageuniversity.edu.in


Dr.Omaymah AlSuwaihel
Assistant Professor,
School of Education,
Kuwait University

Dr. Manivannan M
Assistant Professor,
Department of Mathematics,
Central University of Andhra Pradesh,

Dr. Amit Kumar
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan, India.
Email: amitsu48@gmail.com

Dr. Raghav Prasad Parouha
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
Indira Gandhi National Tribal University
Lalpur, Amarkantak, Anuppur ,
Madhya Pradesh, India.
Email: rparouha@igntu.ac.in, rparouha@gmail.com

Dr Jadab Dutta
Assistant Professor
Department of Education
Meghalaya, India.
Email: jadabdutta.12@gmail.com

Dr. Anand Kumar Thakur
Assistant Professor in Zoology
Ranchi University, Shahid Chowk, Ranchi - 834001
Jharkhand , India
Email: anandkrthakur@ranchiuniversity.ac.in

Dr. Sharda Vishwakarma
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya Sagar (A Central University)
Madhya Pradesh, India
Email: shardavishwakarma2@gmail.com