Editorial Board
Editorial Pool
The editorial pool consists of eminent academicians who represent various focus areas of the journal. These personalities are from around the globe with expertise in their concerned areas.
Dr.Aleksandar Kadijević,
Full professor,
Dept.for Art History,
Faculty of Philosophy,
University of Belgrade, Serbia
Email: akadijev@f.bg.ac.rs
Dr. Ariel E. San Jose,
Associate Professor
Director, Internationalization and Linkages
Southern Philippines Agribusiness and Marine and Aquatic School of Technology (SPAMAST)
Malita, Davao Occidental, Philippines
Email: arielsanjose74@gmail.com
Dr. Namita Gupta
Associate Professor
Centre for Human Rights and Duties
Panjab university
Chandigarh, Punjab, India
Email: namita4rights@pu.ac.in
Dr. Jatin Mohan
Assistant Professor of Music
IILM University, Gurugram – 122003
Haryana, India
Dr Ashwin Parwani
Assistant Professor
Pandit Deendayal Energy University
Gandhinagar – 382426, Gujarat (State), India
Email : Ashwin.Parwani@sls.pdpu.ac.in
Dr. T S Varadharajan
Assistant Professor of English
Thiagarajar College
Madurai District, Tamil Nadu, India
Email: varadharajan_eng@tcarts.in