Examining Death of a Salesman's Dramatic Architecture's Methods


  • Dr.J.Jayakumar Author


Dramatic Architecture, Character Development, Use of Language, Symbolism, Flashbacks


This paper undertakes a comprehensive examination of the dramatic structure in "Death of a Salesman," a significant piece by Arthur Miller. This study explores the methods utilized by Miller in his plays, concentrating on the structure of the narrative, the development of characters, and the language styles evident throughout the work. This study illustrates Miller's employment of non-linear storytelling, symbolism, and flashbacks to delve into the complexities of the American Dream, identity, and the human condition with depth and sophistication. This exploration scrutinizes Miller's methodology and its impact on the audience's connection with the tragic narrative of Willy Loman. This study examines the intricate connections between dramatic structure, language use, and character development. A thorough exploration of Miller's theatrical techniques and the importance of "Death of a Salesman" within American literature can be enhanced by the insights offered in this article. This examination provides an insightful viewpoint on Miller's work, highlighting the importance of dramatic technique in shaping the theatrical experience by scrutinizing the play's dramatic structure.


